Melbana Energy Limited Annual Report 2024

Note 2. Significant accounting policies (continued) Deferred tax assets relating to temporary differences and unused tax losses are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the benefits of the deferred tax asset can be utilised, unless the deferred tax asset relating to temporary differences arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that: – is not a business combination; and – at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss). Where temporary differences exist in relation to investments in subsidiaries, branches, associates, and joint ventures, deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is not probable that the reversal will occur in the foreseeable future. Current tax assets and liabilities are offset where a legally enforceable right of set-off exists and it is intended that net settlement or simultaneous realisation and settlement of the respective asset and liability will occur. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset where: (i) a legally enforceable right of set-off exists; and (ii) the deferred tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities where it is intended that net settlement or simultaneous realisation and settlement of the respective asset and liability will occur in future periods in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are expected to be recovered or settled. To the extent that uncertainty exists as it relates to the acceptability by a taxing authority of the company’s tax treatments, the company estimates the probability of acceptance by the taxing authority and, where acceptance is not probable, recognises the expected value of the uncertainty in either income tax expense or other comprehensive income, as appropriate. Tax consolidation The company and its wholly-owned Australian resident entities have formed a tax-consolidated Group and are therefore taxed as a single entity from that date. The head entity within the tax-consolidated Group is Melbana Energy Limited. The members of the tax-consolidated Group are identified in Note 26. Tax expense/income, deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences of the members of the tax-consolidated Group are recognised in the separate financial statements of the members of the tax-consolidated Group using the “separate taxpayer within group” approach by reference to the carrying amounts in the separate financial statements of each entity and the tax values applying under tax consolidation. Current tax liabilities and assets and deferred tax assets arising from unused tax losses and relevant tax credits of the members of the tax-consolidated Group are recognised by the Company (as head entity in the tax-consolidated Group). Due to the existence of a tax funding arrangement between the entities in the tax-consolidated Group, amounts are recognised as payable to or receivable by the Company and each member of the Group in relation to the tax contribution amounts paid or payable between the Parent Entity and the other members of the tax-consolidated Group in accordance with the arrangement. Financial Instruments (i) Trade Receivables Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for goods sold in the ordinary course of business. They are generally due for settlement within 30 days and therefore are all classified as current. Trade receivables are recognised initially at the amount of consideration that is unconditional unless they contain significant financing components, when they are recognised at fair value. The Consolidated Entity holds the trade receivables with the objective to collect the contractual cash flows and therefore measures them subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Details about the Group’s impairment policies and the calculation of the loss allowance are provided in (ii) below. (ii) Allowance for expected credit loss The Consolidated Entity applies the AASB 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit losses which uses a lifetime expected loss allowance for all trade receivables. To measure the expected credit losses, trade receivables have been grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics and the days past due. (iii) Trade and other payables Trade payables are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition. The carrying amounts of trade and other payables are considered to be the same as their fair values, due to their short-term nature. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2024 46 Melbana Energy Limited Annual Report 2024